CEMOSA presents a study on earthworks in the UK during the final event of In2Smart CEMOSA presents a study on earthworks in the UK during the final event of In2Smart General CEMOSA presents a study on earthworks in the UK during the final event of In2Smart Jose Antonio González Alba2019-10-22T04:12:22+01:0022 October 2019|General|
RAILWAY INNOVATION HUB incorporates the innovative engineering group ALTRAN as a partner RAILWAY INNOVATION HUB incorporates the innovative engineering group ALTRAN as a partner General RAILWAY INNOVATION HUB incorporates the innovative engineering group ALTRAN as a partner Manuel Guerrero2019-10-01T11:57:50+01:0022 August 2019|General|
The multinational company PFISTERER, new member of RAILWAY INNOVATION HUB The multinational company PFISTERER, new member of RAILWAY INNOVATION HUB General The multinational company PFISTERER, new member of RAILWAY INNOVATION HUB Manuel Guerrero2019-08-22T11:53:12+01:0022 August 2019|General|
Enterprises from Smart City Cluster and from Railway Innovation Hub will develop avatars and guidance systems in stations for people with reduced mobility Enterprises from Smart City Cluster and from Railway Innovation Hub will develop avatars and guidance systems in stations for people with reduced mobility General Enterprises from Smart City Cluster and from Railway Innovation Hub will develop avatars and guidance systems in stations for people with reduced mobility Manuel Guerrero2019-08-22T11:37:16+01:0022 August 2019|General|
Enterprises from Smart City Cluster and from Railway Innovation Hub will develop avatars and guidance systems in stations for people with reduced mobility Enterprises from Smart City Cluster and from Railway Innovation Hub will develop avatars and guidance systems in stations for people with reduced mobility General Enterprises from Smart City Cluster and from Railway Innovation Hub will develop avatars and guidance systems in stations for people with reduced mobility Manuel Guerrero2019-08-02T07:57:04+01:002 August 2019|General|
GESNAER CONSULTING, specialised in civil aviation, joins RAILWAY INNOVATION HUB GESNAER CONSULTING, specialised in civil aviation, joins RAILWAY INNOVATION HUB General GESNAER CONSULTING, specialised in civil aviation, joins RAILWAY INNOVATION HUB Manuel Guerrero2019-07-05T10:53:22+01:005 July 2019|General|
15 organizations from RIH are participating in the industrial work group for the Hyperloop standardization 15 organizations from RIH are participating in the industrial work group for the Hyperloop standardization General 15 organizations from RIH are participating in the industrial work group for the Hyperloop standardization Manuel Guerrero2019-07-03T11:51:58+01:003 July 2019|General|
Up to 18 organizations are already participating in the initiative for the standardization of the BIM methodology in the railway sector activated from RIH and haided by GRANT THORNTON and INECO Up to 18 organizations are already participating in the initiative for the standardization of the BIM methodology in the railway sector activated from RIH and haided by GRANT THORNTON and INECO General Up to 18 organizations are already participating in the initiative for the standardization of the BIM methodology in the railway sector activated from RIH and haided by GRANT THORNTON and INECO Manuel Guerrero2019-06-21T09:22:24+01:0021 June 2019|General|
The University of Malaga will bring their research experience as new member in RIH The University of Malaga will bring their research experience as new member in RIH General The University of Malaga will bring their research experience as new member in RIH Manuel Guerrero2019-06-18T11:38:47+01:0018 June 2019|General|
Eleven enterprises associates to RIH pose innovative prototypes through CDTi after the Málaga Event Eleven enterprises associates to RIH pose innovative prototypes through CDTi after the Málaga Event General Eleven enterprises associates to RIH pose innovative prototypes through CDTi after the Málaga Event Manuel Guerrero2019-06-13T13:11:38+01:0013 June 2019|General|