Globalvia andthe Spanish innovation cluster in railway mobility, Railway Innovation Hub (RIH), in which the Company is also integrated, have agreed to begin joint cooperation activities that will permit developing and promoting innovation in the railway sector, particularly in metros and tramways.

The agreement in principle between the parties was reached at a meeting held in Seville between representatives of Railway Innovation Hub, Globalvia, Metro de Sevilla and Tranvía de Parla. This is a clear commitment by the two organizations to encourage innovation in metros and tramways.

At the meeting, Railway Innovation Hub described the current technological capabilities of the association and made progress concerning some of the questions relating to emerging technologies it is applying in the railway mobility sector.

On the other hand, Globalvia expressed its interest in developing collaborative innovation projects, and launching possible technological challenges in the hub in the search for solutions that could improve its services as railway infrastructure operators.


Moreover, Railway Innovation Hub and the enterprise have settled the use of the infrastructure for the different enterprises for the members of the hub to validate and deploy the innovative technology solutions and therefore put Glovalvia in the sector leadership.

With this agreement and some other the Hub has with international operators, Railway Innovation Hub has made a step forward in the pursuit of being in the cutting edge of innovation in the railway sector. The mission of the RIH is to impulse the knowledge and technology in the sector by generating collaborative work in R&D.

On their behalf, Globalvia’s project includes 19 highways and seven railways. From a geographical point of view, Globalvia operates in Spain, USA, Ireland, Portugal, Andorra, Mexico, Costa Rica and Chile.

Globalvia’s strategic objective is to generate value for its shareholders by managing its asset portfolio to continue to be a benchmark in the infrastructure-management market. Its corporate purpose is infrastructure development and operation. Globalvia’s target markets are OECD countries with special emphasis on Spain and other European Union member-states and North America.