Deutsche Bahn start-up hub, DB mindbox, has selected SigmaRail as the winner of its Object Recognition Challenge. Among eight competing start-ups in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning, SigmaRail made it to the final where it showed its capabilities into the automatic asset identification and accurate asset geo-localization fields.
Using state-of-the-art computer vision technologies, SigmaRail is capable of automatically identify rail assets from multimodal data bases, such as HD videos, images, 3D point clouds, etc. and triangulate its accurate position along the rail corridor. Applications of such technologies can benefit the planification, construction, deployment and maintenance of rail corridors in Europe and overseas. Automatic V&V activities, predictive maintenance or quicker deployment of systems such as ERTMS and CBTC are some of the foreseen applications of these technologies.
In the upcoming 100 days, DB mindbox and SigmaRail will co-create, develop and deploy a solution that meets the requirements in these fields of Europe’s largest rail operator and infrastructure owner as well as the second largest transport company in the world.
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